I think here is my most complicated model I ever made in blender. Mostly I'm using extrude to this model and some dupliframe in the cable object...Enjoy..!!
Friday, November 30, 2007
My robo model (no texture)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Flash Proffesional CS3, an overview
Few days ago, I've finished download the new Adobe Flash Professional CS3 (trial version) from Adobe site. It is so exciting for me take test fo this new application. Well, first, the splash look nice, more red area and darker, and also better new logo, look more Professional...!. Then the intro pages, you can see new thing there, Flash file (Action Sript 3.0) and Flash file (Action Sript 2.0). None of those option exist in previous version of Flash Pro. (Macromedia Flash 8). I haven't know yet whats new in action script 3.0, but I hope it more powerfull and simpler to use. As long as i using Flash, action script is become powerfull thing in it. We can create more sophisticated animations and Flash Apps. using Action Script. For AS 3.0 I need to learn first, so I can't tell you more about AS 3.0 (or you have any knowledge for AS 3.0 ? share it to me will be great).
A new thing that surprising me in Flash CS3 is the interface. Try dragging a window or panel , you can see it become transparent..cool enough..! but it has no influence at all in your work files.
The panel arrangement not too much different from Flash 8, only the toolbox, it single vertically arranged, but you can make it double arranged by clicking tween triangle above the toolbox (works for other panel too, try it). Some feature changed on some panel, properties panel for example, no Device Setting button for flash mobile application. For creating Flash mobile application you should choose Flash File (mobile) from the intro page. Then Adobe Device Central will be opened. Once again the feature is nice, the device list give us more choice at once, better than in Flash 8. Double clicking on your device choice then start making application.
Some new feature I had found is Copy and paste motion and Importing Photoshop (PSD) file. For all of new feature in Flash Pro CS3 can you see here (http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/UsingFlash/WS7C4F9BCB-CF7A-462b-887A-A7FCD32E6325.html) or read the Flash Help after you installing it.
That's all, I need to explore further, and hope I can create tutorials for Flash Pro.CS3.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Old file, My first photoshop tutorial (Face code)
It was a long time when I post my first tutorial in Photoshop CS2 about creating Face Code. Now I'd like to share you once again this old tutorial and maybe it can be usefull. Give your advice or suggestions if you like.
You can download the tutorial here unfortunately it is only in Indonesian.
By the way enjoy..!!!
Some Pict's
Well, long time i didn't post anything. Some activity take my time. And there is an internet connection problem in my campus too, for about 2 weeks. However, here is some of my picture made in Blender. Hope you like it. Enjoy..!!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
My FPS template
Here is my other experiment on Blender Game Engine, using some script provide by the communities i build my own FPS template. like usual, not to good but good enough for newbies like me. There still one problem on this FPS like template, and I'm searching for solutions. The problem is that the bullet direction messed up when you walk forward while shooting. This is what I looking for on the forum (Blenderartist.org/forum)
You can Download my FPS template here (zipped)
Monday, September 17, 2007
Get wet, with Blender fluid simulation
Here is some of my experiment using Fluid simulation in Blender. Not to good but work well like I expected. Not to difficult on fluid simulation, the hardest part is texturing and lighting. You can download the video and the blend file here. (try to right click and save filei). Enjoy......
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Giant list of OpenSource software in downloadable DVD an CD
If you looking for some opensource software, may be you should try to visit opensource-dvd.de. You can grab the .iso of DVD and CD. It is in Deutch language, so try to not get lost. I have download 1 DVD and still downloading 2 game CDs. Explore by your self
Monday, August 20, 2007
Giant List of FREE e-books in PDF
Here, where you can find 100% free e-books in PDF format. Just go to Acrobatfiles.com, there are lot of ebooks in various category from computer to cooking category. Yeah...one more, usefull website.
you can also watch many video tutorial there....and sometime you got compressed files to download.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Beryl on my openSUSE desktop....
This is just a demonstration using beryl on my opensuse 10.2 x86_64. Finally i found solution to make Beryl working nice on KDE. Anyway...enjoy this video...and dont blink your eyes...!!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Blender in Action on Open Source Seminar, Islamic University of Sultan Agung
Here it goes, Blender in action....This picture has taken in an open source seminar in Indonesia. Blender running on Sulax, a new distribution based on Slax Live CD created by the DOS (Dakwah Open Source) community of Islamic University of Sultan Agung, Semarang, Indonesia. Blender running well, and this prove that Blender well known in Indonesia, and I am one of those people who use Blender. Keep the spirits of open source with Blender.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Ideal Weight Calcualtion Apps. another Flashlite Application sample
Several months ago, i had a class exercise to make an Flashlite application using Macromedia Flash. This exercise is aim to create a mobile phone application using Flashlite SDK in Macromedia Flash. I've done this exercise, and now I'm going to share this Application to you. I'd like to get your comments and suggestions. This is not to good application, the logic is not to accurate in specifiying the weight categories. I pick the formulas from few internet documents.
By the way you can get it here. The zipped file contains 2 swf and 1 .fla source application. Enjoy..!!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Fire Up My Blog !!!
Huh... after several time my blog is freezing, now its time to make it "burning" again. i have prepared some post for rolling back my blog on the road. So let me preparing, writing and thinking again....see you next post
Read More..Thursday, May 31, 2007
I'm Freezing this Blog for a while
Another big project has to be done by me and my team in SulaxProject, so i decide to temporary freezing up this blog. I hope I'll come back soon. Please refer the Sultan Agung Linux (Sulax) in sulaxproject.wordpress.com
Read More..Friday, April 20, 2007
My New Blender video (Stickman 3D resting)
Here is my new video made with Blender. I render it about 4 hour (if I didn't wrong coz I slept when the render goes) for just 25 second animation. You can see below. I have add the sound yet. next time will be added sound and using Yafray (if my computer agree to not sleep...he..he..). Enjoy it!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
PdfonFly - (very) Useful website
For several day I'm looking for tutorials in the internet. when I found them, I thinking about how could I download or save them in smaller size and only in one file. The tutorial I found mostly in HTML and contains lot of pict. it must be large file if I save it directly. So I trying to find tools or software which can convert the HTML page into a PDF file, and I found it. But not a tool or software, a found a website. it is PdfonFly.com. very useful and easy to use. you can directly download the PDF file into your local hardisk. And there is also some other format conversion to PDF file. try it, and thanks to pdfonfly.com
Read More..Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Try the Blengine (Blender Game Engine)...
Last night i was trying to making a simple game simulation (can I say like that...?) of a moving cube controlled by keyboard. This basiclly not a game just a cube moving along the area and hit the cylinder (just dont hit the wall.....). This is the basic of BGE (blender game engine) implementation in controlling a mesh and combine with the physic simulation. I am learning in physic simulation of blender game engine, and hopefully I can create a simple game using Blender. Here is where I start. And of course I need more learning. anyone can help me ..? learning more about BGE and others like phyton scripting. My biggest thanks for anyone who want to share his/her knowledge in BGE to me...
you can download the .exe of the simulation and the .blend file here (try right click and save as). You need to install Blender and copying some .dll file into the game folder from blender directory to running game. And wait for my next creations....image below is the screenshoot of the running game and the blender interface when I creating that....
Monday, March 05, 2007
My first car model in Blender
On my previous post (you can see below) I made a car model design. And here it is... which I can say this is my first car model. But still......many things incomplete. I have to learn more and more specilally for material and UV mapping. So please give me your oppinions, suggestions or anything (tutorial could be great...). wait for my next models...and here is the other style and color
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My Car Model
I'm trying to modelling a car and thats not as easy as i expected. it's difficult enough when adjusting the vertices to get car shape balance. This not good enough when you look at the car model it have a line in the middle of the car body. That comes when i apply the mirror modifier on the car. Image below is my car body model. Next i am planning to make this model into a FULL car. Ya.. i need more practices..
I Hate Mosquoitos....!!!!
This is my second video made with Blender. This video based on my daily experience. I really hate mosquitos in my room...
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Blender......3d, its so delicious....!!!
This is my new creation using Blender. I like the water mapping, and the glass too. I made it my self..(ya..referenced by a few tutorials....). Hope you like it too. Next time will be more and please your opinions, send to me....
Monday, February 19, 2007
Armature Animation dengan Blender
Bukan bermaksud pamer atau sombong baru bisa buat begini, tapi ini hasil belajar saya selama kurang lebih satu mingguan memakai Blender. Armature / Bone animastion ini bisa jadi awal yang baik untuk saya untuk membuat animasi yang lebih baik...dan tolong kritik, saran, komentar, ataupun caciannya, silahkan ditulis di comment.. terima kasih...
Friday, February 16, 2007
3d dengan Blender, an open source software...
Beberapa hari dalam satu minggu ini saya sedang asyik-asyiknya belajar 3D. Hasilnya, ya....lumayan. Software yang saya pakai bukan software mahal untuk membuat model / animasi 3d seperti 3dmax dkk. Yang saya paki cuma program gratisan, namanya Blender. Untuk pengguna Linux mungkin sudah familiar dengan Blender. Anda bisa download blender di website resminya di www.blender3d.org. Software ini bisa dikatakan hebat sebagai software gratisan, ya beberapa fitur di Blender memang mirip atau bahkan sama dengan software 3d berbayar. Yang membuat saya tertarik selain gratisnya yaitu Game Engine bawaan blender yang memudahkan development game. Untuk render engine sendiri blender sudah menyediakan render Engine Internal Blender, namun ada juga render engine open source yang bisa dipakai, seperti YafRay. Anda bisa mendapatkan Yafray di www.yafray.org.
Berikutnya saya ingin lebih dalam belajar tentang game engine di Blender. Doakan saja semoga bisa menghasilkan game bermutu....Ini salahsatu hasil modelling sederhana saya yang saya buat dengan Blender. Memang belum cukup bagus karena hanya dengan Mapping standar yang ada di blender...(maklum baru pegang Blender selama satu mingguan....:))...
Friday, January 19, 2007
Kiamat rasanya bener-bener sudah dekat...
Kiamat Sudah Dekat, itu kan judul film yang cukup laris juga di sinetron. Tapi rasanya judul ini ngga main-main. Baru saja saya membaca sebuah artikel di suaramerdeka.com (tgl 19 jan 2007) tentang prediksi para ilmuan dunia bahwa kiamat atau akhir dunia sudah dekat. Artikel lengkapnya bisa dibaca disini. Mereka membuat semacam jam kiamat yang makin mendekati jam 12.00 setelah terjadi beberapa peristiwa yang bisa dianggap merusak bumi. Penyebab utamanya -kata para ilmuan itu- adalah perlombaan senjata nuklir dan pemanasan global. Wah bagi negara-negara yang punya nuklir untuk dibuat senjata ada baiknya baca artikel itu. Supaya sadar peradaban manusia terancam.
Jam kiamat yang dibuat itu sekarang menunjukkan pukul 11.55 (wah berarti 5 menit lagi kiamat men....). Wah rasanya ngeri kalau dipikir-pikir. Semuanya kembali pada kita semoga kita lebih rajin ibadah ya..
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Blog sebagai Dokumentasi Hidup
Rasanya tidak terlalu berlebihan jika blog disebut seperti judul tulisan ini. Ibaratkan kita menciptakan / menulis sebuah softaware, maka kita perlu mendokumentasikannya bukan? Saya berpikiran bahwa hidup juga layaknya algoritma dalam sebuah software yang penuh pilihan. Agar nantinya kita dapat melangkah lebih jauh tanpa banyak mengalami kesalahan yang sama dalam hidup, ada baiknya kita mendokumentasikan hidup kita. Caranya bisa lewat blog. Ya sebut saja blog sebagai goresan pengalaman kita. Semakin lengkap kita mendokumentasikan hidup, semakin mantap kita melangkah maju kearah yang lebih baik. Ada yang setuju dengan pendapat saya...???
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Happy New Year 2007
I wish be someone better in 2007, more care, more responsible, more good spirits.
Symphaty for the Tsunamy victims inTaiwan
My condolence for the Tsunamy victims in Taiwan. Hopefully everything will be better soon. This tragedy warn us for more care to the Earth, beautiful planet we lives in. Lets save our Earth.
for Indonesian readers click here for more information about this.