Friday, March 14, 2008

Yahoo or Google?

Search Engine (SE) has become one of the important thing on the internet. There is so many SE, but take look at Yahoo and Google, everybody know them. Why this two "guys" become more popular than the other? This post, I write based on my experience using this two big SE every day. First, go to , what you get is page like this.

Only centered Google picture, one text box, two button and some links and options. That is too simple for a website. Even I can tell, it is too simple. This desain is one of Google powers. I think many people who searching for something in the internet, only need components for searching, its text box and the seacrh button. they didn't like so many links or pictures so they can easily locate the toolbox for searching. Thats why every search engine place the text box in the middle of page.Yahoo did to.

but You can see many links and pictures on Yahoo. Some of the other people want to find what they are looking for exactly in the first page they open. This is what Yahoo offers. Yahoo is more like a portal site or news page than a search engine, like we can easily read the earlier news on Yahoo. Both SE have their own superiority, but which is the best for you? I think it is depend on what are you looking for. This is my experiences, if you looking for something more specific in you local country or using you languange use Google. I use Google for seaching in Indonesia, and to find specific file type. Google is the best for this kind of searching. This is why some people said that Google is better than Yahoo. But try something more general aroud the world, Google always try to find on your local area first. Yahoo did better for that. More general searching from around the world. So if you see only for the seach engine capabilities of this two SE ,not from all the company features or products, the question is not which is the best one, but the question about what are you looking for and where are you searching is more appropriate.If you compare this two company from their products, Google is much better than Yahoo. Google have almost everything that surfer need. Mail, Blog, Groups and even Adsense. Thats why I prefer using some of Google features. Thats all I have... fell free for searching, and fell free for comment me...

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Under Costumization... template changed

This is my blog's new look, its been a long time I'm searching for suitable tenplate for my blog, and finally I choose this one. Links are (still) missing and widgets is under re-write.. be patient.. and feel free for comment..

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Saturday, March 08, 2008

Connect Internet via NOKIA 2116 CDMA + CA-42 on Gutsy Gibbon

Now I can blogging from my room.. Guess what? yes, I have internet connection on my desktop PC now. I found interested tutorial about creating connection using NOKIA 3125 here. The problem is I'm using NOKIA 2116 and CA-42 cable. Althought all the steps is not working for me, that tutorial is still help. Here I'll describe how to get connected to the internet using Nokia 2116 and CA-42 cable. Your needs :
1. Gnome-ppp ,make sure this application is installed
2. Nokia 2116
3. CA-42 cable
4. Modem driver for nokia 2116 (you can get it here)
5. Activated CDMA card

now lets, start...
open Gnome-ppp, you will see something like this:

click "setup" button to configure you modem, see like this:

now connect your phone using CA-42 on your computer USB port
click "detect", if detected.. the device will appear like /dev/ttyUSB0 (it can be different on other computer). Choose USB Modem on modem type if not automatically changed, leave the rest on its default.
Now on "Phone option and init string" click on "Init string" button you will see dialog for modem initialization string. The key to make your modem phone work well is on the init string setting. Now You can open the modem driver (nmpCDMA1xRTT.inf) using text editor. On modem type (around line 85) section you can find line like this:

Modem Type Maximum DTE Rate Default DTE Rate
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Nokia CDMA 1xRTT Data Fax Modem 115200 19200
; Nokia CDMA 1xRTT 2G Packet Data Modem 115200 19200
; Nokia CDMA 1xRTT 3G Packet Data Modem 230400 (USB) 230400
; 115200 (RS232) Manually set to 115200

nokia 2116 will need to choose modem type number three, which is "Nokia CDMA 1xRTT 3G Packet Data Modem". Now go few line below, find section [3GInit], you will set the init string on gnome-ppp based on this section line, looks like this :

HKR, Init, 1,, "AT"
HKR, Init, 2,, "AT+crm=1"
HKR, Init, 3,, "AT+cso=33"
HKR, Init, 4,, "ATE0V1"

fill the modem initialization string on gnome-ppp using line before inside "" on the driver file, and it would be AT+crm=1, AT+cso=33, and ATE0V1. Now fill the modem initialization string on gnome-ppp like picture below (double click each init line to fill) :

close the window and close the setup window too. Next step is to configure your connection using the role made by the phone operator.

(this below section may be only work for Indonesian reader)
Next setting will be different depend on your SIM card (operator) choice. I prefer using Starone, it is the cheapest one I think...With Gnome-ppp opened, fill the username "starone", password "indosat", and Phone number "#777". Below is some setting for CDMA card :

* FREN / Mobile8, Username = m8 dan Password = m8 and Phone Number = #777
* StarOne, Username = starone dan Password = indosat and Phone Number = #777
* Telkom Flexi, Username = telkomnet@flexi dan Password = telkom and Phone Number = #777

Now you can click "connect" button....done...

(try to restart you computer first before connecting). Fell free to comment in Indonesian....
This file is for Starone user, maybe usefull Setting Internet Hanset Nokia dengan Starone

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