Thursday, December 24, 2009

Instant Messaging in multiple account with Palringo

Finally I got something to write..haha.. I think this is quite useful information for you who is a chat addict.. This day when I surf and looking for new applications to use in multiple chat account like Y! Messenger, GTalk, and Facebook which is becoming more popular nowadays in my country... I found something interesting, an application I' ve never heard before (or I'm just to late.. :D).. called Palringo. The reason I search for this kind of applications is that for late few days, I've been annoying by Facebook chat taskbar I'm using all this time, which is slow to load and had some delay when messages come almost in the same time. I've used Y! Messenge client installed, but you know, sometime one application for multiple job is better than many applicatons, isn't it. One thing I love from this Palringo is that it has a mobile version to..
Well, I won't too much write here, just try it your self.. You can find Palringo here

and here is some screenshots

2 comment:

millati_bae said...

Versi mobile apik endi karo eBuddy?
*postingan bulenan, komene tegalan*

Sam F. Chaerul said...

wah kebetulan di hp ku kemarin ga bisa diinstall...jadi belum sempet review..tapi dari temen2 yang pake chat mobile..katanya ada yang bagus namanya Nimbuzz...